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1、登陆时提示:You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Please re-enter your user name and password, then click GO below. 回答:密码填写错误,三次密码错误会导致账户被锁8小时,这样就错失抢名额的机会,所以密码一定要牢记!
% N* d6 n8 z7 N4 d' e9 a( a5 E3 r2、登陆时提示:Sorry, you can not log in right now as you have exceeded the maximum number of attempts. 回答:账户密码尝试超过最大次数,账户被锁定,8小时后可以再次尝试登陆,移民局说明,Account Locked,To preserve integrity of personal information users share with us, we have designed the site to lock an account after a user has unsuccessfully attempted to log in three times, using an incorrect User Name and/or Password.
" V0 Z% l1 g; u! G1 h3、在线操作时,系统提示"Access denied" 回答:登陆超时,或者中途掉线,web session会话丢失,解决办法是重新登陆。 这个问题确实很容易出现,很苦恼,建议大家多试几次,总会解决,目前已经在多个浏览器发现会出现这种问题,但是如果用ipad访问,则不会出现。 8 V0 {& N) m1 C9 }
4、点击apply now添加电子申请表格时,提示"There are no places currently available." 回答:提交申请时,名额已发放完毕,解决办法等待下一次集中开放名额申请。
" b+ u! L1 n' P, q" b" p+ O& _5、表格填写完毕后,某项表格显示红叉,无法提交。 回答:Personal/health/character/working holiday specific中,其中有一项为未完成状态,具体表现为表格上方红色叉叉,出现此情况,请联系移民局。
3 m x' K+ s/ p+ A2 u+ p Q6、提交时,提示"Working Holiday Scheme status for Mexico: Unfortunately the available places for this Working Holiday Scheme have been filled and there is no longer a place available for you. You could check back on our website for details of when places reopen." 回答:名额已发放完毕,等待下一次再申请。 ) C4 j; o; \& y3 G: g9 }$ H
7、表格填写完毕,无法提交。表格没有edit、Submit操作按钮,只有pay和delete 回答:付款出现错误(网络原因),卡在付款状态,解决办法,1.删除表格,下次重新申请。2.下次集中开放申请时,使用国际信用卡完成付款。
" D2 P+ M+ A. i: Q# d! _8、提交申请后,未收到移民局的名额确认信。 回答:确认信为最终确认是否申请到名额的唯一凭据,上面分配有AMS签证编号,如未收到名额确认信,视为未申请成功,解决办法,下次重新申请。 ) q- p/ }5 |1 g
' t- r) _# O3 U# n# I打工旅行公众微信号:dreamholiday 2013-07-11 : Z1 B6 `0 J3 m6 C
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