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9 v r# q! o, r3 C来自今天news.com.au的最新消息,澳洲政府正在研讨新的税收制度用以替换早前公布的,将于本年7月开始实施的0起征点税收制度。
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澳洲背包客有望从新的0起征点税收制度中 逃过一劫。 7 Z9 R# i& x, C3 d+ `+ i( z* `
原文: Federal Tourism Minister Richard Colbeck has told a major tourism conference that the Prime Minister has agreed for him to find an alternative to the planned tax hike due to take effect in July this year.
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0 U3 O5 @2 \ v; ]) u) @此前的新税法规定,今年7月1日开始到澳洲打工度假的外国人都将面临32.5%的所得税。 3 r4 U4 {+ Z. U$ a# i
根据估计,这项税法将使澳洲在2016至2020年间进帐5.4亿澳元。 9 \3 M @2 g0 C+ N; D
新政策被提出后,遭到了澳洲农场主们的反对。他们警告称,此举将导致帮忙摘取果实和蔬菜作物的打工度假者数量减少。 , O5 P7 @6 r! w* D( ?/ j
目前,海外背包客只有在每年收入所得超1.82万元时才需缴税,且税率仅为19%。 , R; h! h2 _0 x' o: w* V R: l
新州农民协会(The NSW Farmers' Association)指出,更高的税率将阻断海外背包客前来打工,这使得农场主为此“非常担忧”。 v+ R% A1 Q6 v
该协会劳资关系经理库苏马(Gracia Kusuma)表示:“农场主们因为这一政策受到了极大影响。背包客们带不走这些工作岗位,这些果实需要被采摘。如果没有足够的季节性工人,农民的生产成本就会增加,而他们是否能维持自己的生意也成了问题。” 1 M! k$ A$ j- S7 }
新政策影响多国打工青年 L2 |2 k5 { _
. Z0 i- W6 P) ^澳洲462打工度假签证要求海外申请者必须在18至30岁之间,具备英语能力和特定的学历要求。那些被授予打工度假签证的海外人士可在澳洲工作12个月,但只被允许为单一雇主工作最长6个月。签证持有者还被允许在澳洲接受相关学习课程,最长不超过4个月。
' Y) D1 b1 U6 r1 Z7 l8 E& @* F据了解,政府于2015年5月欲提高“背包客税”的决定,受到了澳洲多个行业的强烈批评,尤其是旅游业。一些背包客抱怨称,他们在澳洲从事的本来就是低收入的工作,增加税收将削弱他们来澳的热情。来自德国的背包客克劳斯(Fabian Kraus)表示:“我在澳洲整天都在摘葡萄和柠檬,税收增加将使我们这些整天与高生活成本作斗争的人更加艰难。”
! ?3 w; M& K! N3 \针对“背包客税”上涨的反对声音正在呼吁政府重新考虑这一计划。澳洲全国农民联盟(National Farmers' Federation)表示,打工度假者在澳洲停留期间,人均赚得1.5万元。然而,他们却每年为澳洲贡献了35亿元的经济收入。 ( A$ L' S5 J$ G1 v( H5 v8 Q: u6 `5 o& m
政府曾经对抗议声音无动于衷,今日终于有了新的进展,这一举动到底是在垂死挣扎亦或是咸鱼翻身,虎维网将持续关注。 / A3 {; g4 L) {2 Z z
2 K- @* X# A9 T7 J4 V4 i
0 m8 i+ d+ C2 {! n/ j$ d今年7月澳洲是否将真的对WHVers实施0起征门槛的32.5%税法,到目前为止还不能确定。
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下面给出新闻报道原文: : \1 x, E% \, u9 \# _0 \
BACKPACKERS travelling to Australia on a working holiday visa will be spared a major hike in taxation on any money earned down under.
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Federal Tourism Minister Richard Colbeck has told a major tourism conference that the Prime Minister has agreed for him to find an alternative to the planned tax hike due to take effect in July this year. Under the plan announced in last year’s Federal Budget, backpackers would be taxed at 32.5 per cent on the first dollar earned. Currently, backpackers can earn up to $18,200 tax-free — and then pay about 19 cents in the dollar.
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The arrangement provides the agricultural sector with a ready workforce for seasonal jobs like fruit-picking, and farmers have petitioned the government over the changes.
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Mr Colbeck said he had been lobbied heavily by other Members of Parliament and the tourism and agricultural industries to reverse the planned changes. But he said Treasurer Scott Morrison was insisting any alternative be “cost neutral”. ; Q6 K# Z8 {6 _4 j& x5 d
“I’m delighted to be here and happy to tell you we’re going to go through that process,” Senator Colbeck told the Destination Australia conference in Sydney.
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“We need to get this moving quite quickly. I think it’s an important imitative but we need to make sure we don’t create a tax advantage for particular workers on a particular visa.”
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The Minister said the $440 cost of applying for a working holiday visa would also be reviewed as part of the process.
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Once a solution was found it would need to be taken to Cabinet, so it could be included in the Federal Budget.
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“Tourism is a key sector for the economy,” said Minister Colbeck.
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“It’s been identified as one of the five key supergrowth sectors and as a government we’re looking to facilitate its growth.” 9 @; W$ H7 |& d$ s
原文地址: http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/fed-govt-back-down-on-plan-to-hike-backpacker-tax/news-story/3b82aeed419fe30154ff15d870a0e837 & w6 ?. V5 x4 f
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Post with love.
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