您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?立即注册
8 v( N2 g" F$ l* |, r
8 T1 \/ @# d* _ i6 }6 }从2015年10月1日税法新政实施开始,IRD(新西兰税务局)要求国际客户在申请新西兰税号时都要提前申请一个新西兰“有效银行帐号”(在新西兰任意一家商业银行或授权金融机构开通的储蓄帐号、你已经将身份信息提供给它们中任一并且已经获得它们的验证)! J$ m a* A3 D- y7 B! `; `
% H$ A- C& z' _; P
We will send you your new IRD number within 8-10 working days.
; \. v \$ l$ m2 `' E需要注意的是:新西兰税务局(IRD)建议一般税号的审批通过时间为8-10个工作日,这其中不包括邮寄所花费的时间。
2 d1 ?$ d4 V4 y- b, K
1 t. e' Z9 m9 r) x6 ]2 o- t* i
* v8 q# S3 i' G: b0 x5 J2 B
官方网页,如何申请,IRD官网写得非常清楚了: http://www.ird.govt.nz/how-to/irdnumbers/ # k9 Y# C: V3 }& b( Q
在此做一下简单的翻译,献给懒人: 6 R/ t, l( ]' ~1 T0 s# B
New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holder applying for an IRD number' b q/ Y0 Q# G* p
' b8 W Z! B6 z8 KIf you have been overseas for the last year or more continuously, you may be an offshore person and will need to follow the application process for international customers. You can read the definition of an individual offshore person here. You will need to complete an application form to get an IRD number: For an individual or a child - complete an IRD number application - individual (IR595)form For a company, estate, trust, partnership or other organisation (society, club or Māori authority) - complete an IRD number application -non- individual (IR596) form 3 l, u; \7 i" f; s0 Z
k/ E. z6 T+ Y9 ?
如果您是新西兰本地居民或是PR: 1.新西兰本地有效银行账号
" v$ \; S3 T: ?
. x) p) i0 o" O5 }7 o0 d+ d, ?- V" g$ a
IR595(个人): http://www.ird.govt.nz/forms-guides/number/forms-500-599/ir595-form-individualirdapp.html
. ^" q9 C2 U# b$ g# ~; V
5 z& z0 D+ _* z2 T5 b! [$ G9 r7 `
IR596(公司、信托、企业信托等): http://www.ird.govt.nz/forms-guides/number/forms-500-599/ir596-form-nonindividualirdapp.html , ^+ M- V8 i* t1 R% `+ O) v: I: Z" c
6 ]0 @0 @+ d0 Q# T, \ ]
3.可以在居住地附近邮局递交IRD申请 : {# L$ t4 R- \5 e. M, K
注意:填写表格IR595后可在新西兰本地邮局或AA(Automobile Association)完成申请。 ; L5 d1 k, w' B3 @4 E
International customers applying for an IRD number
* I4 ? Z5 p. i+ ?" o: H- p9 q; {9 J
International customers are people or entities that fit the legal definition of an offshore person. You will need to complete an application form to get an IRD number: For an individual - complete an IRD number application – non-resident/offshore individual (IR742) form For a company, estate, trust, partnership or other organisation (society or club) - complete an IRD number application –non-resident/offshore non- individual (IR744) form 9 p3 _- G7 i" i. q
如果您是海外客户(WHVer看过来): 1.需要申请新西兰本地的有效银行账号% C+ g/ `4 _8 C% l
3 Z) G( X# e5 G5 G0 T" p4 E4 A
2.拥有银行账号后方能申请IRD账号 (注意个人需要下载表格IR742) - @4 z% ?+ ?% U0 `' u
如您已入境:可以在税务局官网上下载表格填写后,邮寄到税务局申请IRD账号。 IR742(个人): http://www.ird.govt.nz/forms-guides/number/forms-700-799/ir742-nonres-offshore-individual.html
+ ~, {. i5 u0 f3 w. A7 J, }
7 h" L1 [3 f* E- @% T/ y
IR744(公司、信托、企业信托等): http://www.ird.govt.nz/forms-guides/number/forms-700-799/ir744-nonres-offshore-nonindividual.html 8 m) h# v% A/ H
' C; e( W: j" e# H7 y$ v
0 d. X% n+ z# K
邮寄地址:Inland Revenue PO Box 39010 Wellington Mail Centre 5045 New Zealand : U) c+ r* I9 j& c7 P5 @' V9 J
, t8 ~3 ] R% e) I3 V0 J; A
! {+ B' Q! V& [# p
1 f+ _0 x3 f$ I15个工作日后仍然没有收到税号怎么办?
2 s1 D0 m- p$ t) C; J1 B
: X7 k( o, h& L你需要去邮局或是AA柜台,用收据做凭证来查询你的办理进度。也可以直接给IRD打电话,把申请人的护照号码提供给他们即可,IRD的新西兰境内免费电话是0800 227 774。
4 p8 G$ d) g& C0 Y" p; k W本文已收入关键词查询库,打工旅行公众号回复“NZIRD”或“新西兰税号”即可随时查阅以上。 以上。 2 X3 g, d" i, b7 i6 {; [7 O6 r. B