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新西兰WHV在线刷签证工具working holiday纪录片新西兰打工旅行Orbit保险 9折优惠
查看: 5625|回复: 2


发表于 2014-9-7 14:37:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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whatsmyduty_main.jpg ) [  P7 S# P# x9 t: f. V
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从11月1日起,除了新西兰入境旅客可携带限量的烟草制品之外,其他所有进口到新西兰的烟草制品将征收关税和商品服务税(GST)。旅客将仅可免税携带50根香烟、或50克雪茄、或50克烟草制品。进口或者邮寄的烟草将不再享受免关税的待遇。如果您携带的烟草制品超过了免关税限额,只需要申报并缴纳超出限额部分的关税即可。+ R) ~2 L& R- X% O$ ]6 D

) }3 P9 K3 }8 \& \5 f

# R0 b6 t  y9 ~+ _, y如果您没有在旅客入境卡上填写并申报,您携带的烟草制品将被没收,并可能被起诉。+ {* A. M+ [! N) _9 q+ Y7 O

* s% G- ^+ T. a* L( d

. k* \$ ^1 r1 Z& P" }9 X2 p从2014年11月1日起,旅客大约需要支付的税额:) M6 N! j3 l+ J2 i. [6 G4 v

  e7 _# F: ^! L3 ~2 h$ f  [( D

3 s+ j7 f+ A6 W( S6 Y5 U50根香烟=$0关税6 a9 K4 {! o  j  c7 n
  w+ y' M' E; A9 J) g200根香烟=$97关税和商品服务税(GST)(其中50根免关税)
  D/ ~- R0 X* `2 ^( Q50克烟草=$0关税* n, F+ h( C  e
) H) z3 }$ T( S3 \, F% g10根雪茄(每根雪茄净重10克 )= $39.50关税和商品服务税(GST)(其中50克免关税)0 L0 w7 N$ c2 N$ ]* G) I+ I
从2014年11月1日起,What’s My Duty? 网站将公布此变化,您可以估算您需要为烟草制品支付多少关税。
3 a4 x# t$ \4 m: d5 b% K, h: Y1 d- z- y. r, Q, q) ^# V

  L( _  `  \: U5 I; z$ B* F取消礼品关税减免( {* ~' j# a6 P' j& X/ U
从2014年11月1日起,如果您从海外邮寄香烟、雪茄、烟草或者烟草制品,您需要对全部货品支付关税和商品服务税(GST)。/ W: i" @, H) T7 Z9 n- h- |! j
4 N' [" s$ x  f

. ^$ n! L6 ?) M& |5 }5 D大约需要支付的税额:
  w" b# ]5 y9 }  g4 Q5 z6 _* G' d" i; o. ~7 ?0 [5 _

! t/ L# o/ y( g# \+ ]0 j100根香烟 = $55关税 + $10商品服务税(GST) + $46.89进口交易费(IETF)= $1121 G9 t" P$ u0 h, g$ d# X
100克烟草 = $78关税 + $13商品服务税(GST) + $46.89进口交易费(IETF)= $138
  p* T  r+ H! c5 I$ w  [100克雪茄 = $68关税 + $11商品服务税(GST)+ $46.89进口交易费(IETF)= $126+ s# H8 l2 ?7 x1 ?  V. l* O% |2 I% V# a
* V5 k) @- `9 v2 e7 _
" ~' [  ?) Q# f; p9 r 1 b0 N: Z/ E* Y; G* @4 r, a& z
9 }  L+ b3 h( y9 u6 q: ]
( p9 D/ ?# W: a! T9 u2 b

5 l3 j% E2 F! L6 P8 d3 X' \=============  Q4 Q5 v! k7 _  q7 ^8 v
Duty-free tobacco concessions are reducing for travellers.
From 1 November 2014 all tobacco imported into New Zealand will attract duty and GST, except for a limited amount carried by travellers arriving in New Zealand. The duty free limit for travellers will be 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or tobacco products. There will not be a duty-free allowance for tobacco sent or imported into New Zealand. If you exceed the duty-free limit and you declare the excess cigarettes or tobacco, you will only pay duty on the excess. If you fail to declare it on your Passenger Arrival Card, your cigarettes or tobacco will be seized and you may be prosecuted.
Approximate duty payable by travellers from 1 November 2014
  • 50 cigarettes = $0 duty
  • 70 cigarettes = $13 duty and GST (50 are duty-free)
  • 200 cigarettes = $97 duty and GST (50 are duty-free)
  • 50 grams loose tobacco = $0 duty
  • 250 grams loose tobacco = $129 duty and GST (50 grams are duty-free)
  • 10 cigars, each weighing 10 grams = $39.50duty and GST (50 grams are duty-free)
    ; d0 n: q$ U% m# b) m( Y4 u( x; C
From 1 November 2014, What’s My Duty? will reflect this change and you will be able to estimate how much duty you will pay on cigarettes and tobacco.
Removal of the gift concession
From 1 November 2014 if you are sent cigarettes, cigars, loose tobacco or tobacco products in the mail from overseas you will have to pay duty and GST on the entire amount.
Approximate duty payable
  • 100 cigarettes = $55 duty + $10 GST + $46.89 IETF = $112
  • 100 grams loose tobacco = $78 duty + $13 GST + $46.89 IEFT = $138
  • 100 grams of cigars = $ 68 duty + $11 GST + $46.89 IETF = $126
    2 E: y* |  _, Z# F0 h
: M6 ?: \1 H, m% |

% A7 b3 d" {" Z, L, [$ D
WHVer  发表于 2014-9-16 19:50:40

[来自微博网友: Zea游的部落 的回复]
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