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[旅游] 奥克兰目的地指南

发表于 2013-8-23 11:59:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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# P  p: H9 Q* N2 U                               

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5 m2 ]4 @- u, ~( G- t. i奥克兰是新西兰毛利人最多的居住地,同时它也是世界上波利尼亚人最多的地方,这个城市无处不在的显示着活力。无论你在哪,都不会感到无聊。在周末,将会有很棒的现场音乐会以及许多其他的聚会选择。你将会在这找到你能够想到每一种美食,同时还有很多冒险活动等着你,跳伞,蹦极,峡谷漂流和划独木舟,他们都在时刻准备着刺激你的肾上腺素。 ; J6 Y" Z4 E  \7 Y9 h6 j; S9 _
: K+ A% @( L! l# _

" R/ ]5 E5 ^3 {0 A9 M奥克兰是新西兰的门户,美丽的海港、岛屿,玻利尼西亚文化和现代大都市,这些元素组成了奥克兰的生活方式,使之享誉世界。奥克兰有无穷的自然魅力,无论对于经济型背包族还是豪华游艇的拥有者,奥克兰都是理想的旅游目的地。2 }* T( J8 J& q8 O1 U
: Z0 y1 u4 ~4 _+ D' C+ e
奥克兰是世界最佳居住城市第五名(2007年),素有“风帆之都”的美誉。置身于此,我们更能感受到奥克兰自然与现代完美相融的美丽与繁华。在怀特玛塔港(Waitemata Harbour)中部,回首可望到奥克兰的城市天际。还可看到奥克兰的商务区和港口,以及从地平面拔起、高耸入云的南半球最高建筑——天空塔(Sky Tower)。. R9 w8 b1 G; z
' O- g5 r+ X; _6 C+ J

! |2 ~$ G6 G4 h% c+ W0 W1 V奥克兰最值得做的十件(TOP 10 THINGS TO DO):6 M- e. K+ b/ D  O8 X" ~1 w  f
8 u' D6 U2 i' F1 Y/ ^' e
1.从奥克兰海港大桥上跳下,搭乘观光巴士以及在328米高空--南半球最高的建筑物天空塔上蹦极;- ]9 }  ^7 a1 ]4 d/ X- p$ P) ~
Bungy off Auckland Harbour Bridge, hop on a bus and jump off the Sky Tower. At 328 metres, it’s the tallest tower in the Southern Hemisphere.
" O; M- c3 R7 |* j
, A) V2 v* ^( O1 E2.野餐和漫步死火山领略这座城市迷人的风貌,伊甸山尤为鼓舞人心;
3 C, Z4 a- y$ D+ E. I. n9 uPack a picnic and walk up one of the dormant volcanic cones offering amazing views of the city. Mount Eden is particularly inspiring.
* q1 F* {* k) j% P9 k: {9 j- ?1 [# ?- M  w
3.Visit the Viaduct’s lively restaurants and bars before heading along Karangahape Road afterwards for some hot clubbing action.
1 H- `' ]# B( ^1 l
1 }8 T  _9 _! P4 m4.Spend a day at the Auckland museum where there are brilliant Maori exhibitions. Swot up on your history at the start of your trip to help you impress your prey with your intelligence as well as your stunning good looks!
$ a/ _) e: B' ?5 H* G, u- v6 I% o3 |: z0 S8 R
5.Explore some of the Hauraki Gulf islands. There are plenty to choose from but Waiheke Island and Great Barrier Island are two favourites, where you’ll find vineyards, beautiful beaches and native forest. WARNING! You might never leave!
5 M% p# I2 d4 r3 t4 x8 C: m# ?
3 \6 Q$ y) C. _6 l( e& S7 ]6.Get stuck into your new found dollar wealth! Check out Karangahape Road for retro stores and record shops, Downtown Auckland for designer gear and Victoria Park Market for arts, crafts and souvenirs.) `" S% _- a4 T( q

( e& y, Q3 Z6 `) E6 r- Z4 V1 o2 S7.Do check out the mysterious volcanic island of Rangitoto. This icon was created around 700 years ago and features in many Maori tales.- p: Z1 K1 D9 x3 G

* A6 T9 _6 U9 A! ~; E; |, z7 u  p$ z8.Take a ferry across to the seaside suburb of Devonport for a lazy spot of shopping or a walk to the summit of Mount Victoria or North Head for more amazing views of the city.  `/ j+ ]$ Q4 N. ^1 Q6 _

3 A2 T7 G' r! S9.Get active! Go canyoning in the Waitakere Ranges or check out one of the spectacular surf beaches on the west coast – we really liked Piha Beach and Muriwai Beach for the best of the waves.& E! D' @% g. y8 C
9 L; O; i7 w4 Q0 `7 v: W
10.Your trip wouldn’t be complete without taking a cruise from the harbour – this is the City of Sails after all! With a glass of champers in one hand and gorgeous company, you can feel rich for a day. Have it large!" F2 V# [; G3 D& y
9 u0 P8 f, v$ y8 u
WHVer  发表于 2013-8-23 12:20:10
City of sails!

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