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新西兰WHV在线刷签证工具working holiday纪录片新西兰打工旅行Orbit保险 9折优惠
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[交通] 奥克兰到惠灵顿票转让Auckland to Wellington Bus Ticket

发表于 2016-12-24 12:08:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Sleeper Bus Ticket Transfer: Auckland City to Wellington City.: j- }8 w/ N8 Y8 [/ q8 b
Datetime: 23:00, 31 Dec 2016
) H5 m" i3 _+ c" lPrice: $20 (Negotiable)6 j8 Z% _, W. ^
Description: You can have one carry bag and one check-in luggage (<=20kg), this bus is the overnight bus from 23:00 to 8:45 AM. You can sleep on the bus; it has free Wifi, USB Outlet, Toilet, Pillow, Lie-flat Bed, Powerpoint, Reading light, and air conditioner. It is very suitable for backpackers and WHVers who don't have a car.  f/ i7 V8 P4 X7 l& ]: G3 E% E
Because my plan changed, so I cannot make it. Please message me if you like to take it. 021 08822577+ {9 C$ V' }1 Y$ G
You don't need to pick-up the ticket, I can send the ticket thru your email address. You can show to the driver or print it out.4 v& `$ K9 p* P! U

& D" v( A1 Q* U% G奥克兰市区到惠灵顿市区的过夜巴士票转让2 W9 e2 y6 F. S) E  j& t9 D
时间:12月31日晚上11点 - 1月1日早上8点45分5 F+ }- O( B; G3 ?; P
价格:20纽币(可小刀)9 ?* k; }- H. @, f4 c3 E
+ d: D' ?" R/ o, m9 q. l& I, A因为我行程有变,31号那天去不了。所以转让出来。需要的朋友请随时联系我。发短信给我:02108822577
* o) {3 N) m$ W, O" j你不需要来取票,因为是电子票,我转到你的邮箱就行,你可以乘车的时候直接给司机看,或者打印出来也可以。: X, v8 q, x$ r! z5 ~
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