Marshall 发表于 2013-8-31 08:26:39

北岛-科罗曼德 (Coromandel Town)招咖啡义工


Hi there Wwoofer Baristas and Cafe help!!!
I am looking for a wwoofer barista and cafe help in my vegetarian cafe, The Chai Tea House in Coromandel town!! Coromandel is a very cool place with great beaches, nice walks. We like to have mature, capable longterm wwoofers. Prefer people for a minimum of two weeks.
Feel free to contact me on 021 893 055 or [email protected]
I look foward to hearing from you.


Submitted On:Saturday, August 31, 2013
Contact:Sol Petersen
Email:[email protected]
Location:Coromandel Town

saluzi 发表于 2013-9-17 13:54:22

sounds good,I'll be there at the beginning of 2014
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