萌萌 发表于 2013-8-29 12:57:00

南岛Nelson BBH换宿机会


Would you like to do exchange work in Sunny Nelson? We're looking for someone to arrive here ASAP.

This is for a minimum of 3 weeks.

At our hostel we offer you free accommodation, laundry, use of the bikes and yummy hot chocolate pudding every night in exchange for 3-4 hours work for 6 days a week.

The kind of work we do here varies from the daily cleaning of the hostel, and special projects around the hostel, like gardening or painting etc.

If you are still interested in joining the team just let us know and we will go from there.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Uli and Henk-Jan


Submitted On:Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Contact:Tasman Bay Manager
Phone:0800 222 572
Email:[email protected]

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