Lawrence 发表于 2013-7-28 10:37:27


奥克兰二手衣服商店 – 奥克兰二手衣服商店也有好几家。奥克兰二手衣服商店真的很多,到底哪一家最好?最多东西选择?其实也不一定,都去逛逛吧!


1. Savemart

[*]21 Veronica Street, New Lynn
[*]30 College Road, Northcote
[*]453 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden
[*]290 Roscommon Road, Manurewa
2. Red Cross

[*]472 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden
[*]202 Dominion Road, Mt Eden
[*]191 Karangahape Road, Auckland Central
3. Hospice Club

[*]300 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby,
[*]453 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden Village
[*]1205 Great North Road, Point Chevalier
[*]207A Riddell Road, Glendowie,
[*]188 Ladies Mile, Ellerslie,
[*]185 Apirana Avenue, Glen Innes
[*]41 Florence Avenue, Orewa
[*]560 Blockhouse Bay Road, Blockhouse Bay
[*]728 Manukau Road, Royal Oak
[*]60 Picton Street, Howick
[*]21 Railside Ave, Henderson
3. Salvation Army

[*]Mt Albert Corps 218 Mount Albert Road, Sandringham
[*]652 Dominion Road, Balmoral
[*]16 Bakerfield Place, Manukau

1. Recycle Boutique

[*]Cnr Darby & Queen Sts, Auckland Central
2. Paperbag Princess

[*]145 Karangahape Road, Newton
3.Go Jo Recycle

[*]1 Riverbank Road, New Lynn
4. Nina’s Op Shop

[*]295 Karangahape Rd, Auckland Central
5. Changes Store

[*]183 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga
6. Take Two Recycle Boutique

[*]16 Westpac Plaza, 4 Moana Ave, Orewa
7. Second Chance

[*]8/447 Swanson Road, Ranui
8. Aurora’s Wardrobe

[*]Whangaparaoa Shopping Centre, Wade River Road, Whangaparaoa
9. Deja Vu

[*]Shop 5, The Mall, 33 St Heliers Bay Road, St Heliers
10. Mortimers

[*]Shop15 Remuera Mall, 319 Remuera Road, Remuera
11. The Beez Neez

[*]4/120 Bolton Street, Blockhouse Bay
12. Finder’s Keepers

[*]3 Mortimer Pass, Newmarket
13. Kate’s Kloset

[*]21A Papakura-Clevedon Road, Clevedon
14. Downtown Second Hand Trade

[*]490C Queen Street, Auckland Central
15. Merlins Recyled Clothing

[*]273 West Coast Road, Glen Eden
16. Play It Again Quality Recycled Clothing

[*]Suite 3, 12 Inverness Road, Browns Bay
17. Mr. Bo Jumbles

[*]52 Tidal Road, Mangere

橙色天空 发表于 2013-8-1 12:30:00

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窗台上的猫 发表于 2013-8-1 12:35:54


流口水的兔子 发表于 2013-8-1 12:51:21


花心筒 发表于 2013-8-1 12:55:39


星星草 发表于 2013-8-1 13:08:25


Bartley 发表于 2013-8-1 13:28:51


萌萌不想站起来 发表于 2013-8-2 10:16:28


阿央白 发表于 2013-8-3 22:11:14


ivy 发表于 2013-8-4 15:23:45

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