DreamHoliday 发表于 2014-9-5 18:44:44


Here's 13 reasons everyone should go on a road trip (at least once!)

1. Discovering places you didn't know existed
2. Meeting people and making new friends
3. Learning local secrets
4. Making memories that will last a life time
5. Your wheels are also your bed, kitchen & dining room
6. Experiencing culture off the beaten track
7. The destination doesn't matter, it’s all about the journey
8. Watching the sun rise & set from different places every day
9. Toasting marshmallows around a camp fire
10. Freedom to go wherever you want!
11. Sleeping under the stars
12. Taking time to smell the roses – and take in the scenery!
13. Blasting your fave tunes & singing at the top of your lungs on the open road

What are your favourite things about life on the road? xx
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查看完整版本: 公路旅行最值得做的13件事